Good policies create a strong and innovative MaxViet™

With the concept of good policy as the basis for assessing the growth of the business, MaxViet™ always associates revenue growth with creating conditions for all members of the company to enjoy the optimal working regime.
At MaxViet™, we always prioritize investment in technical facilities to improve working conditions, helping employees feel secure to devote. Becoming a member of MaxViet™ means that you will be working in a professional and dynamic environment with many promotion opportunities and worthy remuneration. We always create equal opportunities for all members to strive, promote their full potential and bond with each other with affection, love and sharing like blood in a family.
We believe that the friendly working environment and the preeminent policies MaxViet™ is applying will help members always join forces, support each other and develop together.

Wage policy

Each member of MaxViet™ is entitled to a satisfactory salary based on work performance. We use the salary policy as an important lever to motivate each member to actively work, contributing to increasing business efficiency for the company.
Salary policy is also considered by us as a measure for employees’ contributions to the company. The concern of MaxViet™ leadership is how to build a salary system commensurate with the effort that employees put in. Every year, we seriously organize the evaluation stage, consider adjusting the salary increase periodically for employees.

Career development path

Not only encouraging employees to work and be creative in a friendly working environment, MaxViet™ also builds a specific career path for each job position. With this roadmap, each employee knows what stage they are on in the career path and what knowledge and skills need to be equipped to develop expertise, capacity and to advance to other positions. higher.
The requirements for each position in the company are specifically set out by us through the detailed job description so that each member can grasp themselves and constantly improve themselves. Each position will have a salary, bonus, allowances and incentives that are completely commensurate.
MaxViet™ considers training as a way to support the professional development process of each member, furthermore it is a way to increase company value. Therefore, every member of MaxViet™ is encouraged to improve their skills and professional qualifications.
We are always ready to create favorable conditions for employees to have the opportunity to learn and improve their expertise through on-the-job training and overseas training. Along with inviting professors and experts directly to the company to teach and impart knowledge, every year, we always create opportunities for our engineers to study and gain experience through practical projects. at home and abroad.
We also focus on updating new knowledge for employees, especially about the application of engineering design software, in order to help employees keep up with the rapid development of the software industry in the world. world and optimize work.
In addition, during the working process, MaxViet™ also organizes special courses to improve management skills and teamwork skills for the leadership team from team leader to vice president and above. We consider this a reasonable step to prepare the next management team and create promotion opportunities for potential employees in the company.

Reward policy

MaxViet™ has a policy of reward and welfare with many incentives for employees. We consider the reward policy as one of the motivations to motivate employees to perform well. The bonus fund is used by us to directly reward collectives and individuals with excellent achievements and well completion of the tasks assigned by the company.
At the end of each year, based on the periodic evaluation of the departments, we will have a corresponding reward for each employee. This bonus is completely fair to each position, task and effort that each MaxViet™ member has contributed. Our desire is to create a healthy competition environment, promoting the company’s sustainable development.

Health & Insurance Policy

With the goal of protecting and providing necessary medical support for employees in times of illness, at risk and ensuring employees’ lives after the end of working age, MaxViet™ always considers insurance and medical policies. is an essential part of the company’s operations. Currently, the types of MaxViet™ insurance for employees include: Social Insurance, Health Insurance and Accident Insurance 24h (also known as Insurance “MaxViet™ – Care 24h”). 24-hour accident insurance is a special form of insurance that is completely paid for by the company and not available to all companies. In addition, to ensure the health of employees, every year, the company often organizes a periodical health check for all employees.

Welfare policy

In addition to the salary and bonus policy and preferential policies as mentioned above, MaxViet™ also applies many other welfare policies such as gift giving, visiting, organizing extracurricular activities, profit sharing… These benefits encouraged and created conditions for employees to improve their material and spiritual life.
Every year, MaxViet™ always deducts time and financial funds for officials and employees to travel, participate in extra-curricular activities. These activities are an opportunity to bring members of the MaxViet™ family closer together, creating better working efficiency. Vacations and fun are always meaningful extra-curricular activities for each member of MaxViet™, showing the concern of the company’s leadership to all employees.
Particularly for the holidays of the year, MaxViet™ has meaningful, practical and valuable gifts for employees. We are always ready to care and share all difficulties with each member, even when sick or when the family has an accident. We consider each employee’s family to be a cell of MaxViet™, a valuable asset the company must preserve.
With a thoughtful treatment policy, taking care of the material and spiritual life of employees, MaxViet™ is creating a second home so that each member can work with peace of mind and dedicate themselves.